Ximena Escalante


Her works invent and recreate classical texts or myths such as Phaedra, Electra, Andromaca, Salome, Judith, Lilith. Her texts have been translated into English, French, German, Greek, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, and have been staged in New York, Washington, Ohio, Miami, Quebec, Banff, Paris, Lyon, Caenn, Venice, Rome, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Madrid, among others. In 2019 she won the Juan Ruiz de Alarcón Dramaturgy Prize, the highest award for dramaturgy in Mexico. She is a member of the National System of Art Creators of FONCA.

Shirin Neshat


She is one of the most representative multidisciplinary artists of contemporary Iranian art, with an important audiovisual production consisting of video art, photography, film and opera. She is one of the emblems of global feminism and her work makes visible the diverse and complex cultural, religious and political realities that shape the identity of Muslim women around the world. Her works have been presented at the Venice Biennale, Art Institute of Chicago, Walker Art Institute in Minneapolis, Artangel in London, Gladstone Gallery, Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont in Paris, among many others.

 She has been decorated at the XLVIII Venice Biennale, and awarded at the Venice Film Festival with the Silver Lion. In 2010, the Huffington Post in the USA named her the artist of the decade.

Kaveh Parmas


Born in Tehran, Iran, he studied acting and music at Max Reinhardt Conservatory and George Tabori’s Actor’s Studio in Vienna, Austria. As an actor, singer and director he has worked in different theaters and cities in Europe, the United States and Mexico. Since 2001 he has been living in Mexico. He is a member of the company Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes and founder of the company La Giralda with 20 years of experience. He has been staging plays in the most important festivals all around the world.

He has also been a member of the Burgtheater ensemble in Vienna. He was a beneficiary of the program FONCA Creators with Trajectory 2017-2019.

Tatiana Bilbao


Tatiana Bilbao has become a reference in Mexican architecture. “Crossing Geographies” is her first experience in stage design.

Her work through Tatiana Bilbao Studio seeks to understand architecture from a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective in order to create humanized spaces that react to global capitalism, with the purpose of opening niches for cultural and economic development. In 2010, Tatiana was proclaimed an “Emerging Voice» by the Architecture League of New York.

She has been recognized with the Kunstpreis Berlin in 2012, the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture Prize by LOCUS foundation, the Impact Award in 2014, Architzier A+ Awards Honors in 2017, and the most recent Marcus Prize Award 2019. Her projects are part of the Architecture collection at Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Carnegie Museum of Art, the Art Institute in Chicago and the Frac Centre in Orléans.

Jerildy Bosch


She began her career in performing arts 20 years ago as a dancer and actress. Empirically and autodidactically, she began working as a costume designer for directors and companies. To the present, she has collaborated as a costume designer with more than 100 plays. She works regularly with the National Theater Company, National Opera Company, National Dance Company and with some independent theater companies in Mexico. She recently received the Excellence in Performance Design award at the Prague Quadrennial PQ19. In 2017 she participated in the World Stage Design in Taipei, Taiwan.

Jan Machacek


He was born in Vienna, Austria, where he studied Sculpture and Stage Design. Since 2002 he has been working on several multimedia shows performing in different venues around Europe. He specializes in experimental theater and theater laboratory linking new technologies with stage work and performance.

Among his most outstanding works and participations we can mention: Wiener Festwochen (Vienna), Residenztheater (Munich), Moussonturm (Frankfurt), BESTIARIo (Rome), Chelsea Theater (London) and Diskursfestival (Giessen). He has won several awards and recognitions.

Edwin Calderón


He graduated in singing from the Mexican National Conservatory of Music, becoming the first qualified countertenor in the institution. He has studied Musical Performance at the Former School of Music of Catalonia, Spain, and graduated with Honorable Mention. For more than ten years he has been part of the company Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes. He has performed in important festivals inside and outside Mexico such as the Lincoln Center Festival New York, Edinburgh Festival, Theater der Welt, Kampnagel de Hamburgo, among others. He has collaborated with different ancient music ensembles specialized in the European Baroque repertoire and New Spain.

Eduardo Josafat Aguilar Rodríguez


He has more than 18 years of experience as a professional in performing arts. He got his B.A. in Dramatic Literature and Theatre with specialization in scenic direction at the UNAM. In 2015 he studied at Banff Centre in Alberta Canada, within the prestigious program: Theatre production, Design & Stage Program. He has been a FONCA beneficiary of Jóvenes Creadores y Fomento & Co-inversión program. In 2017 he was considered one of the 30 artistic and creative promises in Mexico by the Latin American web content page Cultura Colectiva. He is a director, producer, illuminator, theatrical gerontologist and teacher.



She has more than 13 years of experience in stage production, specializing in the area of costumes for large-scale operatic productions and large-scale shows. She has a degree in Fashion and Creation from IESMODA; she also has studies in History from UNAM.
In 2007 she started theatre production when performing her social service in the production department of Teatro UNAM; since then, she has worked uninterruptedly in a number of theater plays, performances, opera, dance and multidisciplinary shows. Since 2018 she is part of the company La Giralda in the area of production and project logistics.

Luis Israel Paz Salvador


He studied Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, Mexico City, where he also collaborated in the production of cultural events such as Rap concerts, also participating as a performer.

He currently collaborates with the company La Giralda, and makes audiovisual production for private companies and individual. He is also in charge of executive production and coordination during the company’s tours.

Vladimir Grajales


Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the UNAM and from the career of Scenic Direction of CasAzul Performing Arts (2017 – 2019). He is both a director and an actor He started as a director in 2016. He has participated as an actor in more than 15 plays, musical shows, series, soap operas, short films and commercials. He is the co-founder, producer and director of LP Teatro.